The Problem
In the certain areas of Gothenburg 45% of the students fail every year to move from upper-secondary school to High-School. Whereas in the high-performing areas all students advance to highschool level. This causes far reaching negative consequences to the social fabric in these areas and prevents a homogenous community experience.
We think tutoring can solve this issue. By offering tutoring to everyone who needs it we can help struggling students to sharpen their skills and let them pass their classes. Since it often is the child that has the least financial ressources available that is in need of tutoring, we aim at still providing this tutoring to them. Let us explain how we do it:
Paid Tutoring
Our excellent tutors are not only a valuable resource for struggling children they can also help further developing the horizons of children keeping up with school perfectly fine. By enabling your child to broaden their knowledge of academic subjects past the teachings from school you not only do your child a service, you also allow for another child in need to obtain the tutoring it needs to not fall behind. Thereby you are helping to bond our community here in Gothenburg tighter together. For every tutoring session you get for your child, you help out another child in need.
Free Tutoring
Tutoring is a great resource for a child's progression. But it is inherently time consuming. And to have a sustainable source of tutoring hours for children, our amazing tutors need to be adequately compensated for their time. We guarantee this sustainable approach by using the funds gathered from the paid tutoring sessions. For every paid tutoring session a free one is awarded to one of our vetted candidates. Our internal processes make sure that this system is not abused.
Who we are
Team of students from Gothenburg University that found the damning numbers while researching and now wants to do something against the decline.Â